Friday, August 1, 2014

Questions for Me
  1. What color are your favorite shoes?
    My favorite shoes (and pretty much the only ones I ever wear) are tan
  2. What’s your favorite drink?
    I’d probably have to say root beer
  3. How tall are you?
    5 foot 6
  4. If you could choose one fictional character to bring to life, who would it be?
    Westley from The Princess Bride
  5. Would you like to move to another country later in life?
    Maybe. It really depends on what my life looks like at that point and whether I could find a job I’d like there, but I’d definitely consider it
  6. How do you like your coffee?
    The same way I like Justin Beiber and Nash Grier: far away from me
  7. What’s your favorite type of transport?
    I don’t really think I have a favorite, to be honest
  8. Does your house have an attic or a basement?
    It does have an attic, the kind that’s big enough for storage only, but not a basement
  9. When did you learn to talk?
    I think my parents said I could form complete sentences by 2, so sometime before that
  10. Who’s your celebrity crush?
    Tom Hiddleston is my main one, but Natalie Dormer, Amanda Seyfried, and Alexander Rybak are also some of my big crushes
  11. What are your views on feminism/feminists?
    I’m all for feminism, but feminists are another matter. I support the feminists who actually get what feminism’s about (equality), but the “All Men Must Die” feminists, not so much
Questions for You
  1. Do you have/want any pets?
  2. Do you support (or are you a part of) the LGBT+ community?
  3. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  4. Who would you kill for?
  5. Who would you die for?
  6. Skirts/dresses or pants/shorts?
  7. What do you like most about where you live?
  8. What do you like least about where you live?
  9. Do you have any phobias?
  10. What’s the last show/movie you watched?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Plan for Tomorrow

It's already 2 am and my cousin has already gone to bed. Our house has 5 rooms - for my parents, for me, one for my cousin, one for guests, and the room of our helper. He is my only cousin so yes, he has his own room in our house. I need also to sleep now. I need to get up early to attend church. I hope I will catch the 10 am worship. If not, I will attend the afternoon service. I hope I can post tomorrow but my cousin is inviting me to go for a road trip to Tagaytay with our common friends. It is supposed to be our family day but Dad is still on his business trip and Mom will attend a women's group meeting in our subdivision so I will spend my Sunday with my cousin and friends.

Midnight Snack and Korean Movie

My cousin went out. I thought he would just look around or hangout at the garden but I heard the sound of his car. I just thought he will go to his friend who lives nearby. He was away for 10 minutes and when he came back, he got burgers, french fries, coke float from McDonald's and a Yellow Cab pizza. We ate the food while we watched a Korean romantic movie which he requested. It's too corny and it's not the kind of movie I want but most Korean movies have comedy parts so it was just alright with me and it's the only bonding time with my cousin after 2 months and maybe we'll not see each other again after a month or more.He's always busy and serious so time like this is very precious.